School Area | Be Safe | Be Respectful | Be Responsible |
Arrival |
4Wait in the cafeteria. 4Do not enter the classrooms before 7:30 a.m. |
4Enter the
classroom quietly. 4Follow adult directions. |
4Be punctual. 4Be prepared for class with your books, supplies, and assignments. |
Sidewalks |
4Walk the shortest
distance on the sidewalks. 4Walk quietly and in an orderly manner. 4Keep hand, feet, and other objects to yourself. |
4Stay quiet so that
others can learn. 4Wait for directions before leaving an area. 4Follow rules without adult reminders. |
4Walk with quick steps but do not run. |
Classrooms |
4Keep hands, feet,
and other objects to yourself. 4Walk at all times. 4Sit with feet on the floor. 4Follow teacher directions. |
4Always show
respect for your own possessions, the possessions of others, and school property. 4Share materials, classroom resources, and equipment. 4Show tolerance and acceptance for yourself and others. 4Accept the consequences of your behavior and actions. |
4Be punctual. 4Complete assignments on time. 4Be self-motivated. 4Be a self-directed problem solver. 4Accept responsibility and consequences for your own decisions and actions. |
Restrooms |
4Keep feet on the
floor. 4Walk at all times. 4Keep water in the sink. 4Wash hands before leaving. |
4Give others
privacy. 4Stay quiet. 4Take turns at the sink. |
toilet/urinals. 4Throw away your trash. 4Return to class promptly. 4Help keep restroom clean. |
Cafeteria |
4Walk at all times. 4Sit with feet on floor. 4Use a quiet voice. 4Follow adult directions. |
4Use good table
manners. 4Do not put your hands on others food or trays. 4Use restaurant voices. |
4Have your lunch
money counted and ID # ready to enter. 4Get all utensils, milk, etc., when you first go through the line. 4Clean up after yourself. 4Do not take food out of the cafeteria. |
Playground |
4Stay within
boundaries. 4Keep hands, feet and other objects to yourself. |
4Line up at the
correct time. 4Follow adult directions. |
4Place all
litter/trash in garbage cans. 4Place all equipment in the playground ball cart. |
Dismissal |
4Walk quietly to
bus (cafeteria) or pick-up (music room). 4Carry all backpacks. 4Use sidewalks. |
4Wait for the
teacher to dismiss you. 4Leave in an orderly fashion. 4Follow adult directions. |
4Get all materials
before leaving the classroom. 4Be alert for you bus or ride. |