Longview Independent School District
Technical Services
Request for District Wide Distribution List
General Information
A district wide distribution list provides one e-mail address which allows mail sent to the list's address to be redistributed to all members of the distribution list. District wide distribution lists are created but not maintained by the Technology Department. This means that should your request be granted, you will be responsible for who is on the list.
How do I maintain the list?
Currently, the only way to maintain a district wide distribution list is through the Microsoft Outlook mail client. You must already have Microsoft Outlook installed and configured to maintain your distribution list. Using the Microsoft Outlook client with our mail system in not free. You must have a valid license to use it.
Can I have a distribution list created?
District wide distribution lists will be created solely at the Technology Department's discretion. In general, requests for distribution lists that will host less than 15 people, are temporary in nature, or are not district focused will not be granted.
All of the following information must be provided for consideration of the creation of a distribution list:
Applicant's Full Name: _______________________________________________
Applicant's Campus: _______________________________________________
Applicant's LISD Username: ___________________________________________________
Requested Distribution List Address: ______________________________________
Expected Number of Addresses in List : ______________________________________________
Describe the intended use for this distribution list:
Applicant's Signature
All information on this application is true. I agree to abide by the policies dictated by Longview Independent School District. I understand that these policies may change at any time.
________________________________________ ____________________
Signature Date
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Office Use Only:
Request is: ______ Granted _______ Denied--Reason: _____________________________
Assigned List Address: ____________________ Assigned List Owner: _______________________________
Date of Assignment: _____________________ Authorized by: ____________________________