


Click on the link to determine which project fits your grade level.
If you want to modify, save it to Scommon/ Your Campus Name/Desired Folder; otherwise
have the students click Open and then click File/Save. Direct students to their H: drive.

Suitable for classroom computer workstation activity.

Counting Money

Counting Money3

Equivalent Values 2

Making Change for 5 Dollars

Making Change

Making Change2

Money 5-10

Money 15 -20

Money 35 -85

Money Cents

Other Ways to Make a Dollar

Making Change

Adding Money

Counting Money 3


You must save these projects to Scommon/Your Campus/Desired Folder.
Students will open the file in Scommon and save it to their H: drive.

Use this template to play the money game.
Change the name and amount of money if needed.
Also change questions to fit your grade level.

Skip Counting
You must save these projects to Scommon/Your Campus/Desired Folder.
Students will open the file in Scommon and save it to their H: drive.

To complete the slides, direct students to copy and paste the coin located on the title slide.
Change the slide title to match the coin.

Change for a Dollar
Change for a Dollar (Spanish)

Ask students to read each word problem and solve it by copying and pasting the correct number of coins.
Have them type the correct number of coins in the text box.


Have students open and save to their H: drive.

Coins All Around Us