
A WebQuest for 4th Grade Science 

Designed by
Linda Ferguson I. T. S.

Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits | Teacher Page


IntroductionClick your Reload button on your browser to see animations.

You have never felt like this before.  This longing to fly and soar into the sky.  The urge to run and jump is overwhelming.   Hearing the school bell ring, you hurry home. 

As you are running down the sidewalk, you start to feel as if you're a rocket about to blast off.  Before you know it, you're passing the tops of houses, trees and birds.  You even pass right in front of an airline jet!! 

Later, as you're standing on your front porch, you wonder if it was just a dream.   Feeling a little dazed, you decide to tell your parents.  They don't appear surprised at all!  In fact they have this guilty look on their faces.  It's time to tell you the truth.  They watch your face change as you experience all kinds of emotions.  You are not who you think you are!  You're not even what you thought you were!!  You're really from another planet!! 

They tell you that it's time to send you home to meet your relatives.  It's really easy to get there since you can fly, and you can even stop and sight see along the way.  The coolest thing is that you don't even have to put on a space suit like the astronauts wear on TV. Now you know why you've always been interested in space. You can't believe you're going to see all the  planets with your own eyes!!. 




The Task
Click your Reload button on your browser to see animations.
Your parents tell your teacher that you are leaving town for two weeks because of a family emergency.  You promise the teacher that you will turn in a report for extra credit.  You even suggest a topic! 
As you are traveling you will:
  • Locate information about all nine planets.
  • Decide which planet you are from and write a report using the AppleWorks word processor.
  • Draw a picture of your home planet to go with your report.
  • Construct a model of the planet.  Your teacher will give you these directions.
At the end, you will be evaluated by your alien grandmother who knows everything about the universe!


The Process

You will complete the following steps before presenting your work. 

Review the video or audio directions as needed!
Worksheet for the Nine Planets:
  1. Make sure you have your worksheet and a pencil to write down your information.
  2. Do not copy exact sentences.  This is plagiarism which is illegal.
  3. Click Astronomy for Kids to follow the directions given on the worksheet.
  4. Spell the answers correctly and use correct capitalization and punctuation.
Report on Home Planet:
  1. Complete the Home Planet Worksheet to gather information. 
    • You already have some information about your home planet from your first worksheet.  Now use  Windows to the Universe to gather more interesting facts.
      • When you get to this site, make sure the Beginner button is highlighted. If it is not, click the Beginner button.
      • Click on your planet. 
      • What does the Interior and Surface look like?
      • Describe the Atmosphere.
      • Any interesting facts about their moons?
      • What updated information do we have on this planet?
      • How can you compare it to earth?
    • Use How Old Are You? and How Much Do You Weigh? to add some math facts to your report.
    • Can you describe your planet sufficiently, now? 
    • Can you make a model from this written description?
  2. Write your report as if you are the Rocket Kid. This will make it interesting, creative, informative and descriptive!!!
  3. Click  to see how to save your document.
  4. Click the word report to open the document.  Save it in your Home Directory.
  5. Follow the directions to start your report.
  6. When you have finished the first draft, click   to learn how to print your paper. 
  7. Edit your paper in the classroom.  Do you have enough relevant information? 
  8. After editing, go back to the computer and revise your paper.
  9. Print your final copy.
  10. Your teacher will tell you where to draw the image of your home planet.
Click your Reload button on your browser to see animations.

Two grades will be given for this project.  Listed below are the requirements and possible points.

Report Points
  • Details, accuracy, knowledge of subject.
Sentence Structure
Planet Model
Following Directions
Turned in on time



When you complete the report and the worksheet, you will have learned some interesting facts about the planets in our solar system. Was there any information that you did not know and thought was interesting? 

Your teacher will give you the directions for constructing the model. Following directions is an important TAAS skill needed when making projects. Writing the description of your home planet in your report will be helpful for drawing and making the model of your planet.  Did you realize that writing a descriptive paragraph is one of your TAAS skills, also? 

As you complete this project, think about what made you choose this particular planet as your home planet? 


Credits & References


  • Astronomy for Kids:
  • How much do your weight? and How old are you? are taken from A K-12 Education project of the Hawai`i Space Grant Consortium.
  • Windows to the Universe:,The Regents of the University of Michigan 
Image Credits
  • Planet images from Jet Propulsion Laboratory's Welcome to the Planets, California Institute of Technology; U. S. Government sponsorship under NASA contract NAS7-1270 is acknowledged.
  • Flaming Text:
  • Animations:
  • Movie designed with Power Point by Pat Johnson
Worksheets and Evaluations designed by:
  • 4th grade teachers at Bramlette: A. Cullins, L. Pierce, S. Polk, M. Stokes 
Please e-mail me if you wish to know more about this web page.
This web page was last updated March 2001

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